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Packing & Unpacking: How To Do It Right

Packing & Unpacking: How To Do It Right

Packing can seem overwhelming. You have an entire household of stuff and no idea how to organize it. This comprehensive packing and unpacking checklist will help you get organized and stay organized throughout your move to reduce the stress and chaos of moving.

Always Label Boxes

Before packing, make sure that there is a marker nearby. Every box that gets packed needs to be properly labeled. It should have the room that it goes in as well as a complete list of the contents of the box on the top of the box and one of the sides. This will make it easier to unpack and find things you need, during the unpacking process. 

Pack Things You Don’t Use First

The first things that you should pack are things you don’t need, such as items that are purely for decoration or things that you know you won’t be using in the weeks before the move. For example:

  • Pictures
  • Nic naks
  • Clothing that is out of season
  • Small kitchen appliances that are collecting dust, such as a waffle maker

Packing Liquids

There’s always a chance that liquids, such as shampoo, can spill. Minimize this risk by not packing liquid items in large boxes with heavy items. When packing them, seal the liquid item in a Ziploc baggie. If it leaks or busts open, it will leak inside the bag. 

How To Pack Breakable Items

It’s critical to take extra care when packing breakable items. Make sure that every breakable item is wrapped in something that provides additional cushion, such as plastic bags, clothing, towels, or paper.

Boxes should be fully packed if they contain breakable items. You want to make sure that there is no room left in the box so that breakable items will not move during the moving process as this can break them. If you have extra space in a box, stuff it full of something soft, such as your kid’s plushies, extra toilet paper, or clothing that needs to be packed. 

Pack Necessities In Suitcases

After moving, you don’t want to find yourself digging around in boxes to find something to wear or your toothbrush. Pack a week’s worth of items for the entire family into suitcases. This will make sure that you have what you need without having to dig through boxes. 

Unpack Suitcases First

After moving, the first thing that should be unpacked is the suitcases. Once these are unpacked, you can rest assured that you have everything necessary. 

Unpacking Things You Need

Then, unpack things you and your family need, such as food, dishes, etc. After these things are unpacked, you can take your time unpacking the remaining boxes. 

Contact us when you’re ready for moving assistance from a moving company in Norristown, PA.

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