When you’re moving a commercial enterprise from one location to another, it can be a very stressful time. Everyone who is involved in the move may be stressed out and have a lot of worry about various aspects of the move. The future of the company can also ride on getting the move done appropriately and preventing it from taking too much time. A move that has a lot of mistakes made during it can lead to a lower bottom line as business has to be postponed. To handle the relocation stress surrounding the move there are several things that people can do before and during the move.
Make Sure You Have Enough People
If a company has assigned one person to the move, avoid the temptation to think you can do it all on your own. A move may take dozens of people who all work together to make it happen seamlessly. If you don’t have enough people working together, it’s going to be unnecessarily stressful due to unrealistic expectations. If you’re in charge of a move, make sure you have enough people so that every aspect of the move can be taken care of.
Pay Attention to the Floor Plan
You need to know the floor plan of your new location so that you can plan accordingly. It’s no good to plan a move according to the floor plan you have now. You need a copy of the floor plan of the new office so that you can plan how each room will be used and what will go into it. You may find that you have too much furniture for the new floor plan, or you may not have enough and need to get more before the move is completed.
Tour the New Office
It isn’t enough to have the floor plan of the new office. You also need to make sure that you get into the new office and have a look around. This will show you a lot of physical aspects of the office that you can’t get from a floor plan. There may be built-in shelves where you want to put a desk, for instance. There could be areas that have low ceilings or other issues that will affect how you will use the space.
Eliminate Surprise Costs
When there’s a surprise cost possible, a move is much more stressful. You need to be able to budget for all of the expenses that might come up so that there aren’t any surprises. When you know that everything that could happen is covered, there will be much less stress surrounding your commercial relocation. With some foresight before an office relocation in King of Prussia, businesses can create a more harmonious move.
Handle the Address Change
One of the things that people often forget in the rush to get everything moved is to take care of the change of address. The new address will need to be added to your marketing, including your website, and mentioned on social media and elsewhere. Everyone needs to be aware of the move, and that includes the customers as well as all of the service companies that provide their services to the business. It’s a good idea to start with the new address ahead of time so that everything is in place by the time the moving day arrives.
Get the Best Relocation Services
If you need help with a commercial relocation in Philadelphia, contact us at Hughes Relocation Services. With our experience and expertise, your commercial move will be seamless!